Parliament Hill Computers LtdParliament Hill Computers Ltd

Not quite getting to IPv6

Alain Williams says:

IPv6 is coming, you cannot avoid it. Upgrade your kit while you do not have an urgent need.

Sticking your head in the sand will only result in you getting sea water up your nose when the tide comes in.

IPv4 Home Page

This is the companion site to the IPv6 congratulations & jokes site.

Your address and my address

This site name is at IPv4 address
The IPv6 site name is at IPv6 address 2001:41c9:1:41d::112.
Your IP address is

Why are you here ?

You are coming from an IPv4 address and maybe visting this site because you cannot visit the IPv6 site. Part of the purpose of this site is to help you to get configured to be able to visit IPv6 web sites.

Once you are IPv6 enabled you can visit the companion site, see the jokes and maybe leave one yourself as a marker of your success.